3 Tips To Help You Pack Your Storage Unit Properly


Moving into a new home often means downsizing. If your new living space doesn't provide adequate storage for all of the belongings that you want to retain possession of, then it may be beneficial to invest in a storage unit to house these items. Self-storage facilities make it easy to store and access your belongings at any time. In order to ensure that your storage unit serves as an asset and not a headache, you need to pack it properly. 

Here are three tips that you can use to pack your storage unit properly in the future.

1. Use boxes that are uniform in size.

When it comes to maximizing the amount of space that is available within your storage unit, it can be helpful to pack your items into boxes. These boxes should be made of durable cardboard or plastic, and they should all be uniform in size.

Stacking boxes that are the same size is a lot easier than trying to cram boxes of varying sizes into your storage unit. When you use boxes that are uniform in size, you can pack your storage unit without running out of space or creating chaos.

2. Leave strategic aisles.

A storage unit can easily provide housing for items that won't fit into your new home, but if you don't pack your unit properly, then it can be extremely difficult to access these items at some point in the future.

It can be tempting to pack as many boxes as will fit into your storage unit, but you need to realize that packing in this fashion limits your access to the boxes located at the rear of the unit. Plan to leave some strategic aisles running the depth of your storage unit so that you can easily get to all of your stored items without having to completely unpack the entire unit.

3. Leave space between your boxes and the walls.

You don't want your belongings to sustain any damage while they are being housed in a self-storage facility, and packing properly can be critical in helping you achieve this goal.

You should leave a small amount of space between your boxes and the walls of your storage unit to help prevent condensation and allow for proper air ventilation. It can also be helpful to use pallets to help keep your stacked boxes off the floor and protect them from possible flooding or contamination. 

Knowing how to properly pack your storage unit will ensure that you are able to successfully utilize a self-storage facility to house your overflow items when downsizing in the future.


6 February 2017